# ansible localhost -m subversion -a "repo= dest=~/test username=test password=test123 export=yes force=yes"
-m subversion表示指定subversion模块,这里的模块名称都是modules目录下的脚本名称
-a 指定模块参数,每个模块的参数不同
repo 指定svn的URL
dest 指定代码checkout或者export的绝对路径
username 指定用户名
password 指定密码
export 指定导出而不是checkout或者update
force 强制执行
"msg": "svn: Can't convert string from 'UTF-8' to native encoding:\nsvn: /root/john/test/web/WebRoot/html/?\\230?\\181?\\160?\\239?\\189?\\135?\\230?\\130?\\138",
# echo $LANG en_US.UTF-8 # cat /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg|grep module_lang module_lang = en_US.UTF-8
os.environ['LANG'] = 'C'
class Subversion(object): def __init__( self, module, dest, repo, revision, username, password, svn_path): self.module = module self.dest = dest self.repo = repo self.revision = revision self.username = username self.password = password self.svn_path = svn_path
def _exec(self, args): bits = [ self.svn_path, '--non-interactive', '--trust-server-cert', '--no-auth-cache', ] if self.username: bits.extend(["--username", self.username]) if self.password: bits.extend(["--password", self.password]) bits.extend(args) rc, out, err = self.module.run_command(bits, check_rc=True) return out.splitlines()
定义类函数_exec,调用module_utils/basic.py中的run_command 函数
def checkout(self): '''Creates new svn working directory if it does not already exist.''' self._exec(["checkout", "-r", self.revision, self.repo, self.dest]) def export(self, force=False): '''Export svn repo to directory''' cmd = ["export"] if force: cmd.append("--force") cmd.extend(["-r", self.revision, self.repo, self.dest]) self._exec(cmd)
定义checkout和export函数,分别执行svn checkout 或者svn export
def switch(self): '''Change working directory's repo.''' # switch to ensure we are pointing at correct repo. self._exec(["switch", self.repo, self.dest]) def update(self): '''Update existing svn working directory.''' self._exec(["update", "-r", self.revision, self.dest]) def revert(self): '''Revert svn working directory.''' self._exec(["revert", "-R", self.dest]) def get_revision(self): '''Revision and URL of subversion working directory.''' text = '\n'.join(self._exec(["info", self.dest])) rev ='^Revision:.*$', text, re.MULTILINE).group(0) url ='^URL:.*$', text, re.MULTILINE).group(0) return rev, url
定义svn switch, svn update,svn revert,svn get_revision相关的函数
def has_local_mods(self): '''True if revisioned files have been added or modified. Unrevisioned files are ignored.''' lines = self._exec(["status", self.dest]) # Match only revisioned files, i.e. ignore status '?'. regex = re.compile(r'^[^?]') # Has local mods if more than 0 modifed revisioned files. return len(filter(regex.match, lines)) > 0 def needs_update(self): curr, url = self.get_revision() out2 = '\n'.join(self._exec(["info", "-r", "HEAD", self.dest])) head ='^Revision:.*$', out2, re.MULTILINE).group(0) rev1 = int(curr.split(':')[1].strip()) rev2 = int(head.split(':')[1].strip()) change = False if rev1 < rev2: change = True return change, curr, head
两个函数执行svn status 和svn info
def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( dest=dict(required=True), repo=dict(required=True, aliases=['name', 'repository']), revision=dict(default='HEAD', aliases=['rev', 'version']), force=dict(default='no', type='bool'), username=dict(required=False), password=dict(required=False), executable=dict(default=None), export=dict(default=False, required=False, type='bool'), ), supports_check_mode=True ) dest = os.path.expanduser(module.params['dest']) repo = module.params['repo'] revision = module.params['revision'] force = module.params['force'] username = module.params['username'] password = module.params['password'] svn_path = module.params['executable'] or module.get_bin_path('svn', True) export = module.params['export'] os.environ['LANG'] = 'C' svn = Subversion(module, dest, repo, revision, username, password, svn_path) if export or not os.path.exists(dest): before = None local_mods = False if module.check_mode: module.exit_json(changed=True) if not export: svn.checkout() else: svn.export(force=force) elif os.path.exists("%s/.svn" % (dest, )): # Order matters. Need to get local mods before switch to avoid false # positives. Need to switch before revert to ensure we are reverting to # correct repo. if module.check_mode: check, before, after = svn.needs_update() module.exit_json(changed=check, before=before, after=after) before = svn.get_revision() local_mods = svn.has_local_mods() svn.switch() if local_mods: if force: svn.revert() else: module.fail_json(msg="ERROR: modified files exist in the repository.") svn.update() else: module.fail_json(msg="ERROR: %s folder already exists, but its not a subversion repository." % (dest, )) if export: module.exit_json(changed=True) else: after = svn.get_revision() changed = before != after or local_mods module.exit_json(changed=changed, before=before, after=after) # import module snippets from ansible.module_utils.basic import * main()