vb点虐 图片黑白比 vb设置背景图片与窗体一样大
一个用API来完成的例子, 速度比GetPixel快n倍
Option Explicit
'Powered by Jadeluo , 2004/02/21
'EMail: Jadeluo@sina点抗
Private Type BITMAP
bmType As Long
bmWidth As Long
bmHeight As Long
bmWidthBytes As Long
bmPlanes As Integer
bmBitsPixel As Integer
bmBits As Long
End Type
Private Declare Function GetObject Lib "gdi32" Alias "GetObjectA" (ByVal hObject As Long, ByVal nCount As Long, lpObject As Any) As Long
Private Declare Function GetBitmapBits Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hBitmap As Long, ByVal dwCount As Long, lpBits As Any) As Long
Private Declare Function SetBitmapBits Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hBitmap As Long, ByVal dwCount As Long, lpBits As Any) As Long
Private Sub Form_Load()
picShow.BorderStyle = vbBSNone
picShow.Move 0, 0
End Sub
Private Sub cmdLoad_Click()
On Error Resume Next
With CommonDialog1
.Filter = "Picture(*.BMP;*.JPG;*.GIF;*.ICO)|*.BMP;*.JPG;*.GIF;*.ICO|All Files(*.*)|*.*"
.CancelError = True
If Err.Number = 0 Then
picShow.AutoSize = True
picShow.Picture = LoadPicture(.FileName)
End If
End With
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Private Sub cmdGray_Click()
Dim PicBits() As Byte, PicInfo As BITMAP, BytesPerPixel As Long
Dim R As Byte, G As Byte, B As Byte, Gray As Byte, i As Long
With picShow
.AutoRedraw = True
GetObject .Image, Len(PicInfo), PicInfo
BytesPerPixel = PicInfo.bmBitsPixel \ 8
ReDim PicBits(1 To PicInfo.bmWidth * PicInfo.bmHeight * BytesPerPixel)
GetBitmapBits .Image, UBound(PicBits), PicBits(1)
For i = 0 To UBound(PicBits) \ BytesPerPixel - 1
B = PicBits(i * BytesPerPixel + 1)
G = PicBits(i * BytesPerPixel + 2)
R = PicBits(i * BytesPerPixel + 3)
Gray = R * 0.39 + G * 0.5 + B * 0.11
' If Gray 127 Then Gray = 255 Else Gray = 0
PicBits(i * BytesPerPixel + 1) = Gray
PicBits(i * BytesPerPixel + 2) = Gray
PicBits(i * BytesPerPixel + 3) = Gray
Next i
SetBitmapBits .Image, UBound(PicBits), PicBits(1)
End With
End Sub
vb点虐 保存图片时如何调整其分辨率
保存前加一句 myImage2.SetResolution(300, 300) 你设置的bMape不是保存的主画布 所以无效,设置分辨率就是 SetResolution(X,Y)
vb点虐 打印问题
名称栏目:vb点虐 图片黑白比 vb设置背景图片与窗体一样大