
PostgreSQL Oracle 兼容性之存储过程








总结 :


 2.传参列表中的参数可以用in,out,in out修饰,参数类型一定不能写大小。列表中可以有多个输入输出参数。







总结 :

 1.定义函数的关键字为function 。








 3.执行方式略有不同,存储过程的执行方式有两种(1.使用execute2.使用begin和end),函数除了存储过程的两种方式外,还可以当做表达式使用,例如放在select中(select f1() form dual;)。


 1.定义:定义函数(存储过程 )的关键字为function。



 1.必须有有returns(注意是returns不是return)子句,无返回值时returns viod



PostgreSQL 数据类型介绍(五)OID的理解

那oid在哪儿?到底为什么会出现这种情况 ?

来看看postgres官网对 oid的介绍:


*OIDs basically give you a built-in, globally unique id for every row, contained in a system column (as opposed to a user-space column). That's handy for tables where you don't have a primary key, have duplicate rows, etc. For example, if you have a table with two identical rows, and you want to delete the oldest of the two, you could do that using the oid column.

In my experience, the feature is generally unused in most postgres-backed applications (probably in part because they're non-standard), and their use is essentially deprecated :

In PostgreSQL 8.1 default_with_oids is off by default; in prior versions of PostgreSQL, it was on by default.

The use of OIDs in user tables is considered deprecated, so most installations should leave this variable disabled. Applications that require OIDs for a particular table should specify WITH OIDS when creating the table. This variable can be enabled for compatibility with old applications that do not follow this behavior.


总结: oid是给内部表做标识用的,不推荐使用。 建议将 default_with_oids 设置为off。 建表的时候,如果想使用主键,请自行建立。oid本身大小固定的,万一 行数超过了oid 的最大限制数(4 byte int),那就无法插入新行了。

postgresql 查看表建立哪些索引



工作的内容,以下都是基于 PostgreSQL 9.0.1 做的测试。

一 查询某个表所在表空间的简单方法

PostgreSQL 提供类似" \ "命令很方便得到相关信息,命令如下:

skytf= \d test_2

Table "skytf.test_2"

Column | Type | Modifiers


id | integer |

obj_id | integer | not null

name | character varying(64) |


"idx_hash_name" hash (name)

"idx_test_2" btree (id, obj_id)

Tablespace: "tbs_skytf_idx"

备注:如果这个表的表空间为当前数据库的默认表空间,那么上面则不会显示 Tablespace 信息,

相反,则会显示这张有的表空间,例如上面的表 test_2 的表空间为 tbs_skytf_idx,而

表空间 "tbs_skytf_idx" 不是数据库 skytf 的默认表空间, 那么如何查询数据库的默认


--1.1 查询数据库的默认表空间

skytf= select datname,dattablespace from pg_database where datname='skytf';

datname | dattablespace


skytf | 14203070

(1 row)

skytf= select oid,spcname from pg_tablespace where oid=14203070;

oid | spcname


14203070 | tbs_skytf

(1 row)

备注:通过以上查出数据库 skytf 的默认表空间为 tbs_skytf。

二 批量查询数据库表和索引的表空间

--2.1 查询表和索引所在的表空间

select relname, relkind, relpages,pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(a.oid)), tb.spcname

from pg_class a, pg_tablespace tb

where a.reltablespace = tb.oid

and a.relkind in ('r', 'i')

order by a.relpages desc;




--2.2 查询位于默认数据库表空间的对像

select relname, relkind, relpages,pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(a.oid)),reltablespace,relowner

from pg_class a

where a.relkind in ('r', 'i')

and reltablespace='0'

order by a.relpages desc;

备注:这个查询加入限制条件 reltablespace='0',即可查找出位于当前数据库默认表空间的

数据库表和索引。 通常这才是我们想要的结果,接下来可以把部分表转移到其它表空间上去,转移

的方法可以用 "ALTER TABLE move tablespace "或者重建索引移表空间等方法,这里不详细介绍。

--2.3 查询在某个表空间上的对像

select relname, relkind, relpages,pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(a.oid)),reltablespace,relowner

from pg_class a, pg_tablespace tb

where a.relkind in ('r', 'i')

and a.reltablespace=tb.oid

and tb.spcname='tablespace_name'

order by a.relpages desc;

--2.4 手册上对于 pgclass 视图的 reltablespace 字段解释

The tablespace in which this relation is stored. If zero, the database is default tablespace is

implied. (Not meaningful if the relation has no on-disk file.)

postgresqL 的Btree 与gin索引


yum install postgresql96-contrib -- 安装插件

find / -name extension --可以看到btree_gin.control存在

create extension btree_gin; -- 添加索引




表字段:id ,basic_acc_no,id_card,name,sex,telephone,json_t


basic_account_info_al -- btree

basic_account_info_al2 --gin

basic_account_info_al3 -- btree multi

basic_account_info_al 单列索引 id,basic_acc_no,name,json_t

basic_account_info_al2 gin索引 (id,basic_acc_no,id_card,name),(json_t)

basic_account_info_al3 复合索引 (id,basic_acc_no),(name,id)(json_t,id)

basic_account_info_al 表达式索引 (json_t-id)

basic_account_info_al2表达式索引 ((json_t-'id'))


1.唯一值属性:索引字段都是唯一 id,basic_acc_no


explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al2 where id = 29699221 ;

explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al where id = 29699221 ;

explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al3 where id = 29699221 ;

explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al2 where basic_acc_no = 'XFK2990134' ;

explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al where basic_acc_no = 'XFK2990134' ;

explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al3 where basic_acc_no = 'XFK2990134' ;

explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al2 where basic_acc_no = 'XFK9780134' and id = 29699221;

explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al where basic_acc_no = 'XFK9780134' and id = 29699221;

explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al3 where basic_acc_no = 'XFK9780134' and id = 29699221;

explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al2 where id = 29699221 and basic_acc_no = 'XFK9780134' ;

explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al where id = 29699221 and basic_acc_no = 'XFK9780134' ;

explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al3 where id = 29699221 and basic_acc_no = 'XFK9780134' ;

2.重复值属性: name是有重复值的。

explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al where name ='张燕洪';

explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al3 where name ='张燕洪';

explain analyse select *from basic_account_info_al2 where name ='张燕洪';

explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al2 where id = 24426014 and name = '周杨' ;

explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al where id = 24426014 and name = '周杨' ;

explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al3 where id = 24426014 and name = '周杨' ;

explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al2 where name = '周杨' and id = 24426014 ;

explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al where name = '周杨' and id = 24426014 ;

explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al3 where name = '周杨' and id = 24426014 ;


create index inx_gin_json on basic_account_info_al2 using gin (json_t);

create index inx_btree_json on basic_account_info_al (json_t);

create index inx_btree_2_js on basic_account_info_al3 (json_t,id );

explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al where json_t ='{"id": 21782879, "sex": 0, "name": "刘乐典"}';

explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al2 where json_t ='{"id": 21782879, "sex": 0, "name": "刘乐典"}';

explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al3 where json_t ='{"id": 21782879, "sex": 0, "name": "刘乐典"}';

explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al WHERE json_t @ '{"id": 21782879}';

explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al2 WHERE json_t @ '{"id": 21782879}';

explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al3 WHERE json_t @ '{"id": 21782879}';

explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al where (json_t-id)= '24426014' ;

explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al2 where (json_t-id)= '24426014' ;

explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al3 where (json_t-id)='24426014' ;


查询条件 表名 查询时使用的索引名称 查询时间(5次平均)/ms

(json_t-id)= '24426014' basic_account_info_al inx_json_id 0.040

basic_account_info_al3 inx_json_id_2 0.039

explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al where (json_t-id)= '24426014' ;

explain analyse select * from basic_account_info_al2 where (json_t-id)= '24426014' ;


jsonb支持两种特有的GIN索引jsonb_ops和jsonb_path_ops。 jsonb_ops调用gin_extract_jsonb函数生成key,每个键和值都作为一个单独的索引项。而jsonb_path_ops使用函数gin_extract_jsonb_path抽取:只为每个值创建一个索引项。{“foo”:{“bar”,”baz”}}, jsonb_ops生成3个索引项,jsonb_path_ops由foo,bar,baz组合一个hash值作为一个索引项。jsonb_path_ops索引要比jsonb_ops的小很多,性能上也会有所提升。

create index inx_gin_patn_json ON public.basic_account_info_al4 USING gin (json_t jsonb_path_ops); -- jsonb_path_ops

create index inx_gin_json on basic_account_info_al2 using gin (json_t); --jsonb_ops




名称 索引数据类型 可索引操作符

jsonb_ops jsonb ? ? ?| @

json_path_ops jsonb @

注:? ? ?| 索引key是否包含在jsonb中

对于范围(json_t-'id') 20000079,这样的条件 gin索引不起作用, 这里采用表达式索引方式,查询条件的两边数据类型相同才可以做索引查询,否则全表扫描。

CREATE INDEX inx_json_id_2 ON public.basic_account_info_al2 USING btree (((json_t-'id')::int));

总结: 当仅有一个条件查询时,gin索引与btree索引的性能差异不大,但有多个条件查询时,gin,btree单




{"id":20000241,"name":"陈敏","sex":1} - {"age":"18","id":20000241,"name":"陈敏","sex":1}


UPDATE basic_account_info_al4 SET json_t = json_t || '{"age":"18"}'::jsonb; -- 更新语句

gin索引名称 索引方式 修改前大小 修改后大小 带索引更新时间

inx_gin_patn_json jsonb_path_ops 574M 615M 643561.004 ms

inx_gin_json jsonb_ops 665M 695M 时间过长超过1h


当json_t为{"id":20000241,"name":"陈敏","sex":1} 数据量为10522369 创建gin索引时间

130372.955 ms

当json_t为{"age":"18","id":20000241,"name":"陈敏","sex":1} 数据量为10522369 创建gin索引时间

148971.011 ms
