


常州B1路 [电子地图]BRT线路 武进公交中心站—新北公交中心站 一 五汽上行:新北公交中心站 黄河东路 汉江路 河海路 太湖路 龙城大道 飞龙路 万福桥 西新桥 江南商场 怀德桥 广化街 兰陵 光华路 中吴大道 聚湖路 人民路 广电路 长虹路 淹城公交中心站 滆湖路 轻工学院 机电学院 信息学院 武进汽车客运站 武进公交中心站 (站)下行:武进公交中心站 武进汽车客运站 信息学院 机电学院 轻工学院 滆湖路 淹城公交中心站 长虹路 广电路 人民路 聚湖路 中吴大道 光华路 兰陵 广化街 怀德桥 江南商场 西新桥 万福桥 飞龙路 龙城大道 太湖路 河海路 汉江路 黄河东路 新北公交中心站 (站)武进首班::新北首班::高峰:8分钟无人售票车,票价一,使用公交IC卡全天时间::武进公交中心站末班发车时:


大家都不要下结论太早呀,首先不管实施的效果如何,但至少算是一项民心工程吧,至少没有收我们任何钱。虽然说现在公交拥挤,但是降低公交票价这一举措还是不错的。 所以我们不应该带着埋怨的态度来看BRT真正投入使用后的效果,首先可以肯定的是:新区到西新桥这一段的路非常宽阔,应该没有什么问题,真正严峻的就是西新桥到广化桥这一段可能要慢一点,毕竟这段路基本上无法扩建。 我相信它一定是非常有前景的,既然规划局敢这么做,那一定就是有他的把握性的。放心吧。事实胜于雄辩,. 从新北区通车,!这个不晓得哇。。。。哈哈




常州BRT(快速公交系统)一线是常州修建的第一条BRT线路,呈南北走向。北起沪宁高速公路南侧(长江贸易中心北侧),南至武进长途汽车站北边。沿线经过黄山路、黄河东路、通江大道、万福路、怀德北路、劳动西路、兰陵路、武宜路、鸣新东路、龙华路,,共设个站点(不包括首末站)。车道的布置方式为路中右开门。线路走向与城市重点发展方向一致,可基本解决沿线居民出行难的问题,有效缓解交通拥堵状况。快速公交一线的功能定位是:常州城市公共交通的骨干线,在常规公交网中起到城市近期主客流方向的快速主通道功能。远期则可以为地铁培育客流或是平行于地铁线路形成地铁线路的补充。快速公交一线进一步密切了城北和城南的,引导和带动了沿线土地的开发利用增值,在城市资源经营方面也获得了良好成效。常州市快速公交一线是城市公交优先的突出表现形式,并且,它在设计、建设、管理、等方面充分体现了人性化、科技化和高效化的特点。一、人性化一是票价优惠。BRT售票系统与现有常规公交相同,各种IC卡在BRT线上同样使用。乘坐BRT线,和常规公交车完全同价,即投币一,刷卡六折,学生卡三折,老年卡二折,其它免费群体一样享受优惠。BRT实行同站换乘免费,即在BRT站台内,换乘不同的线路不再收取费用,乘客可以更方便地进行换乘,得到更多实惠。二是人本设计。BRT车辆采用低地板(车门踏板距地面≤mm)、大容量(核定载客可达近人)车辆,设有四个宽通道双内摆车门,大大方便了乘客上下车。车辆与站台均考虑了残疾人通道。BRT车辆上设有轮椅专位、靠垫,车内设置了婴儿专用座位。两个首末站的设置,分别与新北、武进长途客运站相邻。首末站内除BRT线外,均设置了多条常规公交线路。首末站不仅是快速公交的首末站,更是公交线网中的枢纽站,极大地方便了乘客在长途车和公交间的换乘。三是绿色环保。常州BRT工程是发展绿色交通,提升常州形象的工程。在BRT车辆选择上,快速公交系统所需车辆均采用新型环保车辆,采用欧四排放标准。新型车辆耗能低、排放低;路段的专有路权,避免了拥堵时的反复加减速和停车,有效减少了车辆的废气排放。BRT一线的修建,对实现"文化旅游名城 "、"生态城市"的城市发展目标,有着重要的意义。二、科技化BRT的设计和建设充分渗入了现代科技因素。一是各类设施的建设与设计美观、现代、实用。(详见附图)1.流线型的中间站台设计时尚富有特色,体现了常州社会经济高速发展。站台的设施以便民、快捷、安全为原则,充分体现了BRT高水平的。2.形式呼应的新北及武进首末站。3.朴素大方的BRT公交停车保养场保养车间。4.收银、加油气、洗车一体的建筑,符合公交运营特点,体现了功能至上的目的。二是路权选择和车辆开门方式科学合理。BRT路权选在道路中央,车辆采取右开门形式。这种设计充分考虑了常州道路特点、乘客出行特点、交叉口通行能力特点、线网特点等等,与已建的北京和杭州BRT有明显不同,但优点是明显的。处),小区、企业、商店出入口多(处),专用道设在路两侧对机动车出入和BRT车辆运行都会产生较大影响。此外,由于BRT车和非机动车相邻,必须设置物理隔离,不仅会增加经费投入,在车辆运行,交通管理等方面也会带来更大难度。BRT车道设在路中央,一方面专用车道与常规机动车道间不用设置隔离带,用标线和反光道钉进行软隔离即可,对机动车可以通过加强交通管理以避免其占用BRT车道,不仅道路景观更好,而且更有利于应急通道功能的发挥,同时也不会影响未来道路的拓宽。2.BRT车辆采用右开门方式,使之可以利用普通公交站台,常规公交也可以利用BRT线路及站台,以有效提升公交直达和零换乘水平,充分发挥BRT一线的资源优势,提高公交的总体质量。三是BRT智能交通系统功能全,技术先进。系统的完整性高,科技含量高,数据共享程度高。各种交通信息、监控图象等数据与市交通指挥中心相联,有效提高了交通指挥和公交车辆调度的能力。此外,售检票系统、智能交通系统和安全门系统都有不间断电源供电,可确保设备的正常运行。三、高效化人/小时。万人/天。公里没有新增车道数(但交叉路口全部进行了拓宽改造),其它路段全部增加车道,在最大程度减少对其它车辆通行影响的同时,更有效提高了BRT车辆运行速度,。3.资源整合效益优。常州已实现公交一体化,BRT的运营与常规公交也是一体化管理,这样可以在公交线网的设置上进行通盘考虑,更大效率地发挥公交资源整合优势。BRT站台安全门的设置,可适应多种类型的BRT车辆、BRT支线车辆及常规公交车辆使用,为BRT主线、支线及常规公交线的有效结合下了基础。常州一线通车后,相关常规公交线路将进行大幅优化调整,公交资源将进一步得到整合,市民群众的出行将会更加便捷高效。Changzhou BRT (Bus Rapid Transit System) built on the sites (not including the first end of the station). Lane of the arrangement for the right way to open the door. Alignments, with the focus on the development of cities in the same direction, along the residents can be basically lved the problem of difficult travel, effective to alleviate the situation of traffic jams.Bus Rapid Transit line on the 1st of the functions is: Changzhou, the backbone of urban public transportation lines, in the conventional buswork in the city recently played the main flow direction of the fast main channel function. May be thought to cultivate longterm passenger subway or subway lines parallel to the formation of the additional subway lines. Bus Rapid Transit Line to close the north and uth of the links, guide, and led the development and utilization of the land along the valueadded and reurce management in the city al received good results.Changzhou City Line Bus Rapid Transit priority to urban public transport is the prominent form of expression, and its design, construction, management and services fully reflects the humanization of technology and highperformance characteristics.First, humanFirst, fare concessions. BRT with the existing ticketing system the same as conventional bus, all kinds of IC cards used in the same line BRT. By BRT lines, and conventional buses entirely with the price, that is, a dollar coin, credit card tickets, student card % the elderly discount cards II, like other free of charge to enjoy the preferential treatment groups. BRT Transfer Station free of charge with the implementation of that platform in the BRT, the change is no longer a different charge lines, passengers can easily transfer and get more benefits.Second is the design. BRT vehicles use lowfloor (the door from the ground pedal ≤ mm), largecapacity (approved up to nearly passenger) vehicles, there are four doublewide channel in the door before it substantially more convenient for the passengers getting on or off. ehicles and site access for people with disabilities are considered. BRT vehicles specially equipped with wheelchair spaces, cushion, car seat set up a special baby. At the end of the first two set points, respectively, with the new North Terminal adjacent wujin long. In addition to the first BRT station at the end of lines, are set a number of conventional bus lines. At the end of the first Bus Rapid Transit Station is not only at the end of the first station is the hub for public transportationwork, which greatly facilitates the longdistance passenger cars and bus transfer between.The third is green. Changzhou BRT project is the development of green transport, enhance the image of the project in Changzhou. BRT vehicles in the choice of Bus Rapid Transit vehicles are required to adopt the new environmentallyfriendly vehicles, fouremission standards adopted in Europe. New vehicles with low energy consumption, low emissions; sections of the exclusive right of way to avoid the congestion at the time of acceleration and deceleration and stopping repeatedly, effectively reduce vehicle emissions. One of the construction of the BRT line, the realization of the "cultural tourist destinations", "ecocity" urban development goals, has an important significance.Second, science and technology ofThe design and construction of BRT fully infiltrated by modern science and technology factors.First, the construction of various facilities and beautifully designed, modern and practical. (See attached map)1. Site design streamlined fashion among the rich features, highspeed reflects the cioeconomic development of Changzhou. Site services and facilities to convenience, speed, safety principles, fully demonstrates the high level of service BRT.2. Echoes the form of new and Wujin north end of the first station.3. Simplicity and generosity of BRT bus parking and maintenance field maintenance shop.4. Cash register, filling gas, car body construction, in line with the characteristics of public transport operators, reflects the functional purpose of the supremacy.The second is the right way to open the door and vehicle choice scientific and rational way. BRT routes chosen the right path of the central and the right to open the door to take the form of vehicles. This design takes full account of the characteristics of Changzhou road passenger travel characteristics, characteristics of intersection capacity, characteristics and onlinework, and has been built in Beijing and Hangzhou BRT significantly different, but the advantage is obvious.), residential, business, import and export of multistore (), located in the road lanes on either side of the motor vehicle access and operation of BRT will have a greater impact. In addition, BRT vehicles and adjacent nonmotor vehicle, you must set the physical ilation will not only increase financial input in the vehicle, traffic management will have much greater difficulty. BRT lane road located in the central, on the one hand, and conventional motor vehicle lanes between Road without the provision of separate zones, with marking and reflective ft spike can be ilated on the vehicle can be through the strengthening of traffic management in order to avoid the occupation of BRT lanes, not only better road landscape, but al more conducive to the emergency channel function, but al will not affect the future of the road widening.2. BRT vehicle the right way to open the door to the general public can make use of the site can al use conventional bus lines and BRT stations to enhance public access and effectively change the level of zero, and give full play to BRT Line One advantage of the reurces and improve the overall public transport quality of service.Third, intelligent transportation system functions BRTwide, technologically advanced. High integrity of the system, hightech, high degree of data sharing. arious traffic information, images and other data to monitor trafficmand center linked to the city, effectivemand and to improve the traffic capacity of public transport scheduling. In addition, the AFC system, intelligent traffic systems and security door systems have uninterrupted power supply to ensure the normal operation of equipment.Third, efficient people / hour. Average daily flow in people / day. km line, with the exception of Lanling sections and sections of a total workforce of about five kilometers, nolane a few (but widen the intersection of all carried out the transformation), all other sections to increase lane, to the maximum extent possible to reduce the impact of other vehicles at the same time, more effectively to improve the BRT vehicle speed, average speed across the board reached / h.3. Effective integration of excellent reurces. Changzhou has achieved the integration of bus, BRT and conventional bus operations is the integration of management, such settings can be carried out on public transportation take into consideration, more efficient public transportation reurces play an advantage. BRT stations set up security doors can be adapted to various types of BRT vehicles, BRT Bus Line vehicles and conventional vehicles, the main line for the BRT, regional and conventional bus lines and lay the foundation for effective integration. Changzhou One line after the opening of conventional bus lines will be related to a substantial optimization of the adjustment, public transportation reurces will be further integration of the masses of people will be more convenient and efficient travel.


工程学院学生向南到机电学院南门那里乘快速公交,也可以再向南到大学城贸易市场那里乘到市里。快速公交:你去大马路上看一下。哪条道是其它汽车不能走的。只有它能走的。那就是快速公交。 快速公交能一广化桥,然后走两步,就到南大街了

