注意一点的是os.path.join 的用法需要注意
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ FTP常用操作 """ from ftplib import FTP import os class FTP_OP(object): def __init__(self, host, username, password, port): """ 初始化ftp :param host: ftp主机ip :param username: ftp用户名 :param password: ftp密码 :param port: ftp端口 (默认21) """ self.host = host self.username = username self.password = password self.port = port def ftp_connect(self): """ 连接ftp :return: """ ftp = FTP() ftp.set_debuglevel(1) # 不开启调试模式 ftp.connect(host=self.host, port=self.port) # 连接ftp ftp.login(self.username, self.password) # 登录ftp ftp.set_pasv(False)##ftp有主动 被动模式 需要调整 return ftp def download_file(self, ftp_file_path, dst_file_path): """ 从ftp下载文件到本地 :param ftp_file_path: ftp下载文件路径 :param dst_file_path: 本地存放路径 :return: """ buffer_size = 102400 #默认是8192 ftp = self.ftp_connect() print(ftp.getwelcome() ) #显示登录ftp信息 file_list = ftp.nlst(ftp_file_path) for file_name in file_list: print("file_name"+file_name) ftp_file = os.path.join(ftp_file_path, file_name) print("ftp_file:"+ftp_file) #write_file = os.path.join(dst_file_path, file_name) write_file = dst_file_path+file_name ##在这里如果使用os.path.join 进行拼接的话 会丢失dst_file_path路径,与上面的拼接路径不一样 print("write_file"+write_file) if file_name.find('.png')>-1 and not os.path.exists(write_file): print("file_name:"+file_name) #ftp_file = os.path.join(ftp_file_path, file_name) #write_file = os.path.join(dst_file_path, file_name) with open(write_file, "wb") as f: ftp.retrbinary('RETR %s' % ftp_file, f.write, buffer_size) #f.close() ftp.quit() if __name__ == '__main__': host = "192.168.110.**" username = "****" password = "****" port = 21 ftp_file_path = "/erp-mall/" #FTP目录 dst_file_path = "/root/11" #本地目录 ftp = FTP_OP(host=host, username=username, password=password, port=port) ftp.download_file(ftp_file_path=ftp_file_path, dst_file_path=dst_file_path)