如何理解和调整BUFFER CACHE 以及 DBWR,针对这个问题,这篇文章详细介绍了相对应的分析和解答,希望可以帮助更多想解决这个问题的小伙伴找到更简单易行的方法。

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Understanding and Tuning Buffer Cache and DBWR (Doc ID 62172.1)

理解和调整BUFFER CACHE 以及 DBWR(database writer)


--1)Latch contention for the 'cache buffers lru chain' or the "cache buffer chain" latch
--2)Large "Average Write Queue" length
--3)Lots of time spent waiting for "write complete waits"
--4)Lots of time spent waiting for "free buffer waits"? or "Buffer busy waits"

缓存可以从不同的时间点保存一个块的多个副本,并且可能包含“脏”块,即已更新但尚未刷新到磁盘的块。数据库write/ S(DBWR或DBWn进程)是负责写脏数据块到磁盘,而任何用户会话可以读取数据块写入缓存。

缓冲区高速缓存中的所有块在一个LRU(最近最少使用)列表-当一个进程需要一个空闲的缓冲时。它会扫描从这个列表的LRU端非脏缓冲区,它可以使用。The 'cache buffers lru chain' latch/es serialize operations on the LRU list/s.(在Oracle8i起用于LRU列表的算法是更早的版本不同而影响因素保持不变)。

Evaluating Buffer? cache Activity


 how to calculate this ratio on each Oracle version.
  The most common formula in circulation for the hit ratio for the buffer cache
  for Oracle7/8 is:

    hit ratio =   1 -           ( physical reads )
                           ( consistent gets + db block gets )

A better formula in Oracle8i/9i is:

    hit ratio =  

      1 -  ( physical reads - (physical reads direct + physical reads direct (lob)) )
     ( db block gets + consistent gets - (physical reads direct + physical reads direct (lob)) )

每个池的命中率可以是使用V buffer_pool_statistics看到:
SELECT name, 1-(physical_reads / (consistent_gets + db_block_gets ) )  "HIT_RATIO"
     WHERE ( consistent_gets + db_block_gets ) !=0

The "Miss Ratio"
  Occasionally you may see reference to the "miss ratio". This is just

 Miss ratio =  100% - Hit Ratio (expressed as a percentage)

Notes about the Hit Ratio
  A good hit ratio is expected for OLTP type systems but decision support type
  systems may have much lower hit ratios.  Use of parallel query will make the
  hit ratio less meaningful if using the first form of calculation based on
  "physical reads" only.

  A  hit ratio close to 100% does not mean the application is good. It is quite
  possible to get an excellent hit ratio by using a very unselective index in a
  heavily used SQL statement.
  Eg: Consider a statement like:

        SELECT * FROM employee WHERE empid=1023 AND gender='MALE';

  If EMPLOYEE is a large table and this statement always uses the GENDER index
  rather than the EMPID index then you scan LOTS of blocks (from the GENDER
  index) and find nearly all of them in the cache as everyone is scanning this
  same index over and over again. The hit ratio is very HIGH but performance
  is very BAD.  A common 'variation' on an "unselective" index is a heavily
  skewed index where there are a large number of entries with one particular
  value (eg: a workflow status code of CLOSED) - the index may perform well for
  some queries and very poorly for the most common value.


A few comments:
  - The "good" hit ratio is generally considered to be one >80%
    There is probably still scope for tuning if it is <90% *BUT*
    note that the hit ratio is not the best measure of performance.

  - The ratio can be artificially high in applications making
    poor use of an UNSELECTIVE index.

  - In Oracle8.1 onwards "physical reads direct" are recorded

  - Some documentation incorrectly reports hit ratio to be:

  Hit Ratio = Logical Reads / ( Logical Reads + Physical Reads )
    this is incorrect for any version of Oracle.


关于如何理解和调整BUFFER CACHE 以及 DBWR问题的解答就分享到这里了,希望以上内容可以对大家有一定的帮助,如果你还有很多疑惑没有解开,可以关注创新互联行业资讯频道了解更多相关知识。
