一直以来对oracle goldengate许多参数比较疑惑,正好在MOS看到这个文章,转载到BLOG,以备参考
Objective: This paper provides sample example of Oracle GoldenGate parameter files that can be used to configure Oracle GoldenGate replication setup inline with recommended best practices. The example is generic and can serve as a starting point for a more customized Oracle GoldenGate implementation
一、Process name: Manager
Description: Manager is GoldenGate's parent process and is responsible for the management of GoldenGate processes, resources, user interface, and the reporting of thresholds and errors.
Manager parameter file (Sample)
-- Manager port number
-- As a Manager parameter, PURGEOLDEXTRACTS allows to manage trail
-- files in a centralized fashion and take into account multiple
-- processes.
-- Start one or more Extract and Replicat processes automatically after -- they fail. AUTORESTART provides fault tolerance when something
-- temporary interferes with a process, such as intermittent network
-- outages or programs that interrupt access to transaction logs.
--This is to specify a lag threshold that is considered critical,
--and to force a warning message to the error log. Lagreport parameter
--specifies the interval at which manager checks for extract / replicat --lag.
二、Process name: Extract
Description: The Extract process captures either full data records or transactional data changes, depending on configuration parameters, and then sends the data to a target system to be applied to target tables or processed further by another process, such as a load utility.
Extract parameter file (Sample)
-- ###################################################################
-- Runcmd: ADD EXTRACT
-- Name of the extract process. Limited to 8 charecters.
-- DB environment settings
-- OGG database user login
-- Local trail info
-- Prevent data looping. This is generally used in bi-directional
-- configuration
-- ASM login info (Oracle only. If db is using ASM)
--DBLOGREADER enables Extract to use a read buffer size of up to 4 MB --- in size. A larger buffer may improve the performance of Extract when -- redo rate is high. The db has to be or higher to use
-- this feature. If DBLOGREADER parameter is in place then the above
-- ASMUSER parameter should not be used.
--DDL replication parameters
--Discard file location.
-- Use the DISCARDROLLOVER parameter to set a schedule for aging discard --files.
-- Use the REPORTROLLOVER parameter to force report files to age on a
-- regular schedule, instead of when a process starts
-- Use the REPORTCOUNT parameter to report a count of transaction
-- records that Extract or Replicat processed since startup
-- Use the FETCHOPTIONS parameter to control certain aspects of the way -- that GoldenGate fetches data
-- Warn for long running txns
-- List of tables
Table .. Pump (Extract) Parameter file (Sample) -- Runcmd: ADD EXTRACT -- Path/two character trail id> -- Runcmd: ADD RMTTRAIL -- EXTRACT -- Name of the Pump process. Limited to 8 charecters. EXTRACT -- Oracle environment settings SETENV (ORACLE_HOME = " SETENV (ORACLE_SID=" -- In passthru mode GoldenGate pump process cascades captured data from -- source to target without logging in to the source database Passthru -- Remote host and remort manager port to write trail RMTHOST -- Remote trail info RMTTRAIL --Discard file location. DISCARDFILE -- Use the DISCARDROLLOVER parameter to set a schedule for aging discard --files. DISCARDROLLOVER AT -- Use the REPORTROLLOVER parameter to force report files to age on a -- Regular schedule, instead of when a process starts REPORTROLLOVER AT -- Use the REPORTCOUNT parameter to report a count of transaction -- Records that Extract or Replicat processed since startup REPORTCOUNT EVERY -- List of tables Table
三、Process name: Replicat
Description: The Replicat process reads data extracted by the Extract process and applies it to target tables or prepares it for use by another application, such as a load application. Replicat parameter file ################################################################### -- Runcmd: ADD REPLICAT -- Name of the replicat process. Limited to 8 charecters. REPLICAT -- Oracle environment settings SETENV (ORACLE_HOME = " SETENV (ORACLE_SID= " SETENV (NLS_LANG = =" -- OGG database user login USERID --Discard file location. DISCARDFILE --DDL replication parameters DDL INCLUDE ALL, EXCLUDE OBJNAME " DDLOPTIONS REPORT -- The following parameter speeds up replicat processing rate. The -- parameter alters the replicat oracle session to not wait for commits -- to be persisted to the redo. SQLEXEC "ALTER SESSION SET COMMIT_WRITE = NOWAIT" -- Use the BATCHSQL parameter to increase the performance of Replicat. -- BATCHSQL causes Replicat to organize similar SQL statements into arrays and apply -- them at an accelerated rate. BATCHSQL -- Use the DISCARDROLLOVER parameter to set a schedule for aging discard --files. DISCARDROLLOVER AT -- Use the REPORTROLLOVER parameter to force report files to age on a -- regular schedule, instead of when a process starts REPORTROLLOVER AT -- Use the REPORTCOUNT parameter to report a count of transaction -- records that Extract or Replicat processed since startup REPORTCOUNT EVERY -- List of tables (MAP statements) MAP .. .. GLOBALS file The GLOBALS file stores parameters that relate to the GoldenGate instance as a whole, as opposed to runtime parameters for a specific process. Globals parameter file -- Specifies the name of the Manager process when it is installed as a Windows service. MGRSERVNAME -- Specifies a default checkpoint table CHECKPOINTTABLE -- Specifies the name of the schema that contains the database objects that support DDL -- synchronization for Oracle GGSCHEMA -- Specifies a non-default name for the DDL history table that supports DDL -- synchronization for Oracle. DDLTABLE -- Specifies a non-default name for the DDL marker table that supports DDL -- synchronization for Oracle MARKERTABLE
四、GoldenGate 基本参数含义
1. edit params命令 2. DBLOGIN USERID 3. ADD TRANDATA命令 4. ADD EXTRACT 命令 5. ADD EXTTRAIL命令 6. EXTFILESOURCE 7. ADD RMTTRAIL命令 8. ADD REPLICAT命令 9. PURGEOLDEXTRACTS 10. AUTOSTART参数 11. DYNAMICRESOLUTION 12. SOURCEDB 13. PASSTHRU 14. ASSUMETARGETDEFS 15. REPERROR 16. 使用通配符 (1) Overview of Extract The Extract process runs on the source system and is the capture mechanism of GoldenGate. You can configure Extract in one of the following ways: ● Initial loads: For initial data loads, Extract extracts a current set of data directly from their source objects. ● Change synchronization: To keep source data synchronized with another set of data, Extract extracts transactional changes made to data (inserts, updates, and deletes) after the initial synchronization has taken place. DDL changes and sequences are also extracted, if supported for the type of database being used. (2) Overview of Replicat The Replicat process runs on the target system. Replicat reads extracted data changes and DDL changes (if supported) that are specified in the Replicat configuration, and then it replicates them to the target database. You can configure Replicat in one of the following ways: (3) Overview of trails To support the continuous extraction and replication of supported database changes, GoldenGate stores those changes temporarily on disk in a series of files called a trail. A trail can exist on the source or target system, or on an intermediary system, depending on how you configure GoldenGate. On the local system it is known as an extract trail (or local trail). On a remote system it is known as a remote trail. By using a trail for storage, GoldenGate supports data accuracy and fault tolerance (see “Overview of checkpoints” on page 28). The use of a trail also allows extraction and replication activities to occur independently of each other. With these processes separated, you have more choices for how data is delivered. For example, instead of extracting and replicating changes continuously, you could extract changes continuously but store them in the trail for replication to the target later, whenever the target application needs them. 1. edit params命令 ================== Use EDIT PARAMS to create or change a parameter file. By default, this command launches Microsoft Notepad on Windows or the vi editor on UNIX systems. You can change the editor with the SET EDITOR command. Syntax: EDIT PARAMS {MGR | MGR Opens a parameter file for the Manager process. Opens a parameter file for the specified Extract or Replicat group. Opens the specified file. Use the full path name. Example 1: EDIT PARAMS finance Example 2: EDIT PARAMS c:\lpparms\replp.prm GGSCI (testdb11.zhyhl.com) 6> PORT PORT defines the port number on which Manager runs on the local system. The default port is 7809. You must specify either the default port or another port. The port must be unreserved and unrestricted. GGSCI uses this port to request Manager to start processes. The Extract process uses this port to request Manager to start a remote Collector process or an initial-load Replicat process. PORT is the only required Manager parameter. Autostart parameters Use the AUTOSTART parameter to start Extract and Replicat processes when Manager starts. This can be useful, for example, if you want GoldenGate activities to begin immediately when you start the system, assuming Manager is part of the startup routine. You can use multiple AUTOSTART statements in the same parameter file. AUTOSTART {ER | EXTRACT | REPLICAT} {group name | wildcard} Use the AUTORESTART parameter to start Extract and Replicat processes again after abnormal termination. AUTORESTART {ER | EXTRACT | REPLICAT} {group name | wildcard} [, RETRIES [, WAITMINUTES [, RESETMINUTES 2. DBLOGIN USERID ============================================= dblogin userid test,password test DBLOGIN USERID Where: supplemental logging, and 3. ADD TRANDATA命令 =================== Use the ADD TRANDATA command in GGSCI to configure the database to log the key values whenever it logs a row change, so that they are available to GoldenGate in the redo record. By default, the database only logs column values that are changed. ADD TRANDATA must be performed before you start GoldenGate processing. add trandata test.* To capture key values with ADD TRANDATA ADD TRANDATA Where: name but not the owner name. COLS NOKEY prevents the logging of the primary key or unique key. Requires using a KEYCOLS clause in TABLE or MAP and logging the KEYCOLS columns with COL. USETRIGGER forces GoldenGate to install an update trigger instead of a supplemental log group. Required only if 8i compatibility is enabled on a 9i or later database. 4. ADD EXTRACT 命令 =================== add extract extzq, tranlog, begin now 解释: Use ADD EXTRACT to create an Extract group. Unless a SOURCEISTABLE task is specified, this command creates checkpoints so that processing continuity is maintained from run to run. ADD EXTRACT {, SOURCEISTABLE | , GGSLOG , TRANLOG [bsds name> | , VAM | , EXTFILESOURCE , EXTTRAILSOURCE , VAMTRAILSOURCE {, BEGIN , EXTSEQNO , LOGNUM , LSN , EXTRBA , EOF | LSN , PAGE , ROW [, THREADS [, PASSIVE] [, PARAMS [, REPORT [, DESC TRANLOG Specifies the transaction log as the data source. Use this option for log-based extraction. TRANLOG requires either the BEGIN or EXTSEQNO and EXTRBA options. The following are service options: BEGIN Specifies a timestamp in the data source at which to begin processing. Valid values: * NOW * A date and time in the format of: yyyy-mm-dd [hh:mi:[ss[.cccccc]]] Example 2: The following creates an Extract group named finance that extracts database changes from the transaction logs. Extraction starts with records generated at the time when the group was created. ADD EXTRACT finance, TRANLOG, BEGIN NOW 5. ADD EXTTRAIL命令 ==================== add exttrail /home/test/ggs95/dirdat/zq,extract extzq,megabytes 50 Use ADD EXTTRAIL to create a trail for online processing on the local system and: * Associate it with an Extract group. * Assign a maximum file size. Syntax: ADD EXTTRAIL The fully qualified path name of the trail. The actual trail name can contain only two characters. GoldenGate appends this name with a six-digit sequence number whenever a new file is created. For example, a trail named /ggs/dirdat/tr would have files named /ggs/dirdat/tr000001, /ggs/dirdat/tr000002, and so forth. The name of the Extract group to which the trail is bound. Only one Extract process can write data to a trail. MEGABYTES The maximum size, in megabytes, of a file in the trail. The default is 10. Example: ADD EXTTRAIL c:\ggs\dirdat\aa, EXTRACT finance, MEGABYTES 20 6. EXTFILESOURCE ================================ add extract dpezq,exttrailsource /home/test/ggs95/dirdat/zq EXTFILESOURCE Specifies an extract file as the data source. Use this option with a secondary Extract group (data pump) that acts as an intermediary between a primary Extract group and the target system. For specify the fully qualified path name of the file, for example c:\ggs\dirdat\extfile. 7. ADD RMTTRAIL命令 =================== add rmttrail d:\ggs95\dirdat\zq ,extract dpezq,megabytes 50 Use ADD RMTTRAIL to create a trail for online processing on a remote system and: * Associate it with an Extract group. * Assign a maximum file size. In the parameter file, specify a RMTHOST entry before any RMTTRAIL entries to identify the remote system and TCP/IP port for the Manager process. Syntax: ADD RMTTRAIL The fully qualified path name of the trail. The actual trail name can contain only two characters. GoldenGate appends this name with a six- digit sequence number whenever a new file is created. For example, a trail named /ggs/dirdat/tr would have files named /ggs/dirdat/tr000001, /ggs/dirdat/tr000002, and so forth. The name of the Extract group to which the trail is bound. Only one Extract process can write data to a trail. MEGABYTES The maximum size, in megabytes, of a file in the trail. The default is 10. Example: ADD RMTTRAIL c:\ggs\dirdat\aa, EXTRACT finance, MEGABYTES 20 8. ADD REPLICAT命令 =================== add replicat repzq, exttrail /home/gdora/ggs/dirdat/rt, nodbcheckpoint, begin now Use ADD REPLICAT to create a Replicat group. Unless a special run is specified, ADD REPLICAT creates checkpoints so that processing continuity is maintained from run to run. See the GoldenGate Operations Guide for Windows and UNIX for procedures that include creating Replicat groups. Syntax: ADD REPLICAT {, SPECIALRUN | , EXTFILE , EXTTRAIL [, BEGIN , EXTSEQNO [, CHECKPOINTTABLE [, PARAMS [, REPORT [, DESC The name of the Replicat group. Follow these naming conventions: * You can use up to eight ASCII characters, including nonalphanumeric characters such as the underscore (_). Any ASCII character can be used, so long as the operating system allows that character to be in a filename. This is because a group is identified by its associated checkpoint file. * Group names are not case-sensitive. * Use only one word. * Do not use the word port as a group name. However, you can use the string port as part of the group name. * Do not place a numeric value at the end of a group name, such as fin1, fin10, and so forth. You can place a numeric value at the beginning of a group name, such as 1_fin, 1fin, and so forth. ext_1 ex+2t ex!2t EXTTRAIL Specifies a trail that was created with the ADD RMTTRAIL or ADD EXTTRAIL command. NODBCHECKPOINT Specifies that this Replicat group will not write checkpoints to a checkpoint table. This argument overrides the default CHECKPOINTTABLE specification in the GLOBALS file. 9. PURGEOLDEXTRACTS =================== Trail maintenance parameter Use the PURGEOLDEXTRACTS parameter in a Manager parameter file to purge trail files when GoldenGate has finished processing them. Without using PURGEOLDEXTRACTS, no purging is performed, and trail files can consume significant disk space. Using PURGEOLDEXTRACTS as a Manager parameter is preferred over using the Extract or Replicat version of PURGEOLDEXTRACTS. As a Manager parameter, PURGEOLDEXTRACTS allows you to manage trail files in a centralized fashion and take into account multiple processes. NOTE When using this parameter, do not permit trail files to be deleted by any user or program other than GoldenGate. It will cause PURGEOLDEXTRACTS to function improperly purgeoldextracts /home/gdora/ggs/dirdat/*, usecheckpoints, minkeepdays 2 Use USECHECKPOINTS to purge when all processes are finished with a file as indicated by checkpoints. Use the MINKEEP rules to set a minimum amount of time to keep unmodified data: Use MINKEEPHOURS or MINKEEPDAYS to keep data for 10. AUTOSTART参数 ================= To auto-start a process ● Use AUTOSTART in the Manager parameter file to start one or more processes when Manager starts. ● Use AUTORESTART in the Manager parameter file to restart a process after a failure. Both of these parameters reduce the need to start a process manually with the START command. Syntax AUTOSTART EXTRACT REPLICAT ER (Extract and Replicat) is used, GoldenGate starts all groups of the specified the wildcard on the local system, except those in PASSIVE mode. Example AUTOSTART ER * 11. DYNAMICRESOLUTION ===================== DYNAMICRESOLUTION | NODYNAMICRESOLUTION Valid for Extract and Replicat Use the DYNAMICRESOLUTION and NODYNAMICRESOLUTION parameters to control how table names are resolved. Use DYNAMICRESOLUTION to make processing start sooner when there is a large number of tables specified in TABLE or MAP statements. By default, whenever a process starts, GoldenGate queries the database for the attributes of the tables and then builds an object record for them. The record is maintained in memory and on disk, and the process of building it can be time-consuming if the database is large. DYNAMICRESOLUTION causes the object record to be built one table at a time, instead of all at once. A table’s attributes are added to the record the first time its object ID enters the transaction log, which occurs with the first extracted transaction on that table. Recordbuilding for other tables is deferred until activity occurs. DYNAMICRESOLUTION is the same as WILDCARDRESOLVE DYNAMIC. NODYNAMICRESOLUTION causes the object record to be built at startup. This option is not supported for Teradata. NODYNAMICRESOLUTION is the same as WILDCARDRESOLVE IMMEDIATE. For more information about WILDCARDRESOLVE, see page 368. Default DYNAMICRESOLUTION Syntax DYNAMICRESOLUTION 12. SOURCEDB ============ Valid for Manager, Extract, DEFGEN, and DDLGEN Use the SOURCEDB parameter for databases that require a data source name as part of the connection information. Tables specified in TABLE statements that follow SOURCEDB are assumed to be from the specified data source. 其实是不管用,而且还会报错说不识别该参数 13. PASSTHRU ============ data-pump模式有的两种选择: PASSTHRU and NOPASSTHRU PASSTHRU: 不与数据库交互,前提是源库与目标库objects必须一致。 Use the PASSTHRU and NOPASSTHRU parameters to control whether a data-pump Extract processes tables in pass-through mode or normal mode. In pass-through mode, the Extract process does not look up table definitions, either from the database or from a datadefinitions file. Normally, the Extract process logs into the database to retrieve data definitions and, if the target is NonStop, reads a data-definitions file. The definitions are used to perform mapping and conversion functions. To use PASSTHRU mode, the names of the source and target objects must be identical. No column mapping, filtering, SQLEXEC functions, transformation, or other functions that require data manipulation can be specified in the parameter file. You can combine normal processing with pass-through processing by pairing PASSTHRU and NOPASSTHRU with different TABLE statements. 14. ASSUMETARGETDEFS ===================== 不查询主库的表结构信息,前提是:使用MAP statement时,原库和目标库的表的字段结构必须一致。 Valid for Replicat Use the ASSUMETARGETDEFS parameter when the source and target tables specified with a MAP statement have identical column structure, such as when synchronizing a hot site. It directs GoldenGate not to look up source structures from a source-definitions file. For structures to be identical, they must contain identical column names (including case, if applicable) and data types, and they must appear in the same order in each table. If source and target tables do not have the same structure, use the SOURCEDEFS parameter instead of ASSUMETARGETDEFS. See “SOURCEDEFS” on page 291. Default None Syntax ASSUMETARGETDEFS 15. REPERROR ============ REPERROR Valid for Replicat Use the REPERROR parameter to control how Replicat responds to errors. You can use one REPERROR statement to handle most errors in a default manner, while using one or more other REPERROR statements to handle specific errors differently. For example, you can ignore duplicate-record errors but abort processing in all other cases. DEFAULT Sets a global response to all errors except those for which explicit REPERROR statements are specified. DISCARD Log the error to the discard file but continue processing the transaction and subsequent transactions. DISCARDFILE Valid for Extract and Replicat Use the DISCARDFILE parameter to generate a discard file to which GoldenGate can log records that it cannot process. Records can be discarded for several reasons. For example, a record is discarded if the underlying table structure changed since the record was written to the trail. You can use the discard file to help you identify the cause of processing errors. Each entry in the discard file contains the discarded record buffer and an error code indicating the reason. GoldenGate creates the specified discard file in the dirrpt subdirectory of the GoldenGate installation directory. You can view it with a text editor or by using the following command in GGSCI. VIEW REPORT Where: GoldenGate creates the specified discard file in the dirrpt subdirectory of the GoldenGate installation directory. /* discard file的存放路径 */ APPEND Adds new content to existing content if the file already exists. MEGABYTES to 2147. The default is 1 MB. 16. 使用通配符 ============== Using wildcards in command arguments You can use wildcards with certain GoldenGate commands to control multiple Extract and Replicat groups as a unit. The wildcard symbol that is supported by GoldenGate is the asterisk (*). An asterisk represents any number of characters. For example, to start all Extract groups whose names contain the letter X, issue the following command. START EXTRACT *X*;
is the owner and name of the table. You can use a wildcard for the table