本篇文章为大家展示了如何使用DevExpress WinForms帮助文档表单和用户控件实现覆盖表单,内容简明扼要并且容易理解,绝对能使你眼前一亮,通过这篇文章的详细介绍希望你能有所收获。
注意:运行Overlay Form module in the XtraEditors MainDemo来查看正在使用的表单,单击功能区中的Open Solution获取源代码。
调用ShowOverlayForm(Control) 方法来在控件或表单上显示覆盖表单,该方法返回一个句柄,您可以将其传递给 CloseOverlayForm(IOverlaySplashScreenHandle)方法以关闭表单。
using DevExpress.XtraSplashScreen; //... IOverlaySplashScreenHandle ShowProgressPanel() { return SplashScreenManager.ShowOverlayForm(this); } void CloseProgressPanel(IOverlaySplashScreenHandle handle) { if(handle != null) SplashScreenManager.CloseOverlayForm(handle); } //... IOverlaySplashScreenHandle handle = null; try { handle = ShowProgressPanel(); // Launch a long-running operation while // the Overlay Form overlaps the current form. } finally { CloseProgressPanel(handle); }
Imports DevExpress.XtraSplashScreen '... Private Function ShowProgressPanel() As IOverlaySplashScreenHandle Dim handle As IOverlaySplashScreenHandle = SplashScreenManager.ShowOverlayForm(Me) Return handle End Function Private Sub CloseProgressPanel(ByVal handle As IOverlaySplashScreenHandle) If handle IsNot Nothing Then SplashScreenManager.CloseOverlayForm(handle) End Sub '... Dim Handle As IOverlaySplashScreenHandle = Nothing Try Handle = ShowProgressPanel() 'Launch a long-running operation while 'the Overlay Form overlaps the main form. Finally CloseProgressPanel(Handle) End Try
警告:您只能在已初始化(创建其句柄)的控件/表单上显示覆盖表单;否则将抛出InvalidOperationException,请参见 IsHandleCreated 。
ShowOverlayForm(Control, OverlayWindowOptions) 方法允许您显示具有以下参数的覆盖表单:
StartupDelay — 显示表单之前的延迟。
BackColor — 背景颜色。
Opacity — 不透明表单。
FadeIn, FadeOut — 用于显示和隐藏表单的淡入淡出效果。
AnimationType — 动画的类型(等待指示符):
Image — 旋转的图像,默认图像取决于皮肤。 使用ImageSize属性指定默认图像的大小,默认图像大小取决于重叠控件的大小,Image属性指定一个自定义图像。
RotationParameters属性指定旋转周期和单旋转帧数。Line — 使用LineAnimationParameters属性指定点数,点的大小以及点之间的距离。
CustomPainter — 一个用于绘制表单的OverlayWindowPainterBase后代,请参阅Custom Painter部分中的示例。
SkinName — 应用于表单的skin名称,默认的等待指示器,淡入淡出效果和颜色取决于皮肤,默认外观对应于重叠控件的外观
UseDirectX — 指定是否使用DirectX渲染覆盖表单,要将DirectX用于所有兼容的DevExpress控件,请在Project Settings中启用Use DirectX选项,有关更多信息,请参阅以下主题: DirectX Hardware Acceleration。
所有这些参数都是可选的。 如果省略参数,则使用默认值。 不带选项的ShowOverlayForm(Control)方法使用静态(在VB中共享)默认选项。
using DevExpress.XtraSplashScreen; OverlayWindowOptions options = new OverlayWindowOptions( startupDelay: 1000, backColor: Color.Red, opacity: 0.5, fadeIn: false, fadeOut: false, imageSize: new Size(64, 64) ); IOverlaySplashScreenHandle handle1 = SplashScreenManager.ShowOverlayForm(gridControl1, options); IOverlaySplashScreenHandle handle2 = SplashScreenManager.ShowOverlayForm( owner: gridControl1, startupDelay: 1000, backColor: Color.Red, opacity: 127, fadeIn: false, fadeOut: false, imageSize: new Size(64, 64) );
Imports DevExpress.XtraSplashScreen Dim options As New OverlayWindowOptions( startupDelay:=1000, backColor:=Color.Red, opacity:=0.5, fadeIn:=False, fadeOut:=False, imageSize:=New Size(64, 64) ) Dim formHandle1 As IOverlaySplashScreenHandle = SplashScreenManager.ShowOverlayForm(gridControl1, options) Dim formHandle2 As IOverlaySplashScreenHandle = SplashScreenManager.ShowOverlayForm( owner:=gridControl1, startupDelay:=1000, backColor:=Color.Red, opacity:=127, fadeIn:=False, fadeOut:=False, imageSize:=New Size(64, 64) )
using DevExpress.XtraSplashScreen; using DevExpress.Utils.Drawing; using System.Drawing; //... class CustomOverlayPainter : OverlayWindowPainterBase { // Defines the string’s font. static readonly Font drawFont; static CustomOverlayPainter() { drawFont = new Font("Tahoma", 18); } protected override void Draw(OverlayWindowCustomDrawContext context) { //The Handled event parameter should be set to true. //to disable the default drawing algorithm. context.Handled = true; //Provides access to the drawing surface. GraphicsCache cache = context.DrawArgs.Cache; //Adjust the TextRenderingHint option //to improve the image quality. cache.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias; //Overlapped control bounds. Rectangle bounds = context.DrawArgs.Bounds; //Draws the default background. context.DrawBackground(); //Specify the string that will be drawn on the Overlay Form instead of the wait indicator. String drawString = "Please wait..."; //Get the system's black brush. Brush drawBrush = Brushes.Black; //Calculate the size of the message string. SizeF textSize = cache.CalcTextSize(drawString, drawFont); //A point that specifies the upper-left corner of the rectangle where the string will be drawn. PointF drawPoint = new PointF( bounds.Left + bounds.Width / 2 - textSize.Width / 2, bounds.Top + bounds.Height / 2 - textSize.Height / 2 ); //Draw the string on the screen. cache.DrawString(drawString, drawFont, drawBrush, drawPoint); } } //... IOverlaySplashScreenHandle handle = SplashScreenManager.ShowOverlayForm(this, customPainter: new CustomOverlayPainter());
Imports DevExpress.Utils.Drawing Imports DevExpress.XtraSplashScreen Imports System.Drawing '... Class CustomOverlayPainter Inherits OverlayWindowPainterBase 'Defines the string’s font. Shared ReadOnly drawFont As Font Shared Sub New() drawFont = New Font("Tahoma", 18) End Sub Protected Overrides Sub Draw(context As OverlayWindowCustomDrawContext) 'The Handled event parameter should be set to true 'to disable the default drawing algorithm. context.Handled = True 'Provides access to the drawing surface. Dim cache As GraphicsCache = context.DrawArgs.Cache 'Adjust the TextRenderingHint option ’to improve the image quality. cache.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias 'Overlapped control bounds. Dim bounds As Rectangle = context.DrawArgs.Bounds 'Draws the default background. context.DrawBackground() 'Create the string to draw. Dim drawString As String = "Please wait..." 'Get the system black brush. Dim drawBrush As Brush = Brushes.Black 'Calculate the size of the message string. Dim textSize As SizeF = cache.CalcTextSize(drawString, drawFont) 'A point that specifies the upper-left corner of the rectangle where the string should be drawn. Dim drawPoint As PointF = New PointF(bounds.Left + bounds.Width / 2 - textSize.Width / 2, bounds.Top + bounds.Height / 2 - textSize.Height / 2) 'Draw the string on the screen. cache.DrawString(drawString, drawFont, drawBrush, drawPoint) End Sub End Class '... Dim handle As IOverlaySplashScreenHandle = SplashScreenManager.ShowOverlayForm(Me, customPainter:=New CustomOverlayPainter())
上述内容就是如何使用DevExpress WinForms帮助文档表单和用户控件实现覆盖表单,你们学到知识或技能了吗?如果还想学到更多技能或者丰富自己的知识储备,欢迎关注创新互联行业资讯频道。