const str = Today is a nice day! ; console.log(str.length); // 20 console.log(str[2]); // "d" console.log(typeof str); // "string" console.log(typeof str[2]); // "string" console.log(typeofString(5)); //"string" console.log(typeofnewString(str)); //"object" console.log(str.indexOf( is )); // 6 console.log(str.indexOf( today )); // -1 console.log(str.includes( is )); // true console.log(str.includes( IS )); // false console.log(str.startsWith( Today )); // true console.log(str.endsWith( day )); // false console.log(str.split( )); // ["Today", "is", "a", "nice","day!"] console.log(str.split( )); // ["T", "o", "d", "a","y", " ", "i", "s", " ","a", " ", "n", "i", "c","e", " ", "d", "a", "y","!"] console.log(str.split( a )); // ["Tod", "y is ", " nice d","y!"] console.log(str +1+2); // "Today is a nice day!12" console.log(str + str); // "Today is a nice day!Today is a niceday!" console.log(str.concat(str)); // "Today is a nice day!Today is a niceday!" console.log(str.repeat(2)); // "Today is a nice day!Today is a nice day!" console.log( abc < bcd ); // true console.log( abc .localeCompare( bcd )); // -1 console.log( a .localeCompare( A )); // -1 console.log( a .localeCompare( A , undefined, { numeric: true })); // -1 console.log( a .localeCompare( A , undefined, { sensitivity: accent })); // 0 console.log( a .localeCompare( A , undefined, { sensitivity: base })); // 0 console.log( a .localeCompare( A! , undefined, { sensitivity: base , ignorePunctuation: true })); // 0 console.log( abc .toLocaleUpperCase()); // "ABC" console.log(str.padStart(25, * )); // "*****Todayis a nice day!" console.log(str.padEnd(22, ! )); // "Today is anice day!!!" console.log( middle .trim().length); // 6 console.log( middle .trimStart().length); // 8 console.log( middle .trimEnd().length); // 9 console.log(str.slice(6, 8)); // "is" console.log(str.slice(-4)); // "day!" console.log(str.substring(6, 8)); // "is" console.log(str.substring(-4)); // "Today is a nice day!" console.log( a .charCodeAt()); // 97 console.log(String.fromCharCode(97)); // "a" console.log(str.search(/[a-c]/)); // 3 console.log(str.match(/[a-c]/g)); // ["a", "a", "c", "a"] console.log([...str.matchAll(/[a-c]/g)]); // [Array(1), Array(1), Array(1), Array(1)] // 0: ["a", index: 3, input: "Today is a nice day!",groups: undefined] // 1: ["a", index: 9, input: "Today is a nice day!",groups: undefined] // 2: ["c", index: 13, input: "Today is a niceday!", groups: undefined] // 3: ["a", index: 17, input: "Today is a niceday!", groups: undefined] console.log([... test1test2 .matchAll(/t(e)(st(d?))/g)]); // [Array(4), Array(4)] // 0: (4) ["test1", "e", "st1","1", index: 0, input: "test1test2", groups: undefined] // 1: (4) ["test2", "e", "st2","2", index: 5, input: "test1test2", groups: undefined] console.log(str.replace( a , z )); // Todzy is anice day! console.log(str.replace(/[a-c]/, z )); // Todzy is anice day! console.log(str.replace(/[a-c]/g, z )); // Todzy is znize dzy! console.log(str.replaceAll( a , z )); // Todzy is znice dzy! console.log(str.replaceAll(/[a-c]/g, z )); // Todzy is znize dzy! console.log(str.replaceAll(/[a-c]/, z )); // TypeError:String.prototype.replaceAll called with a non-global RegExp argument
(1) 集合
const set =newSet( aabbccdefghi ); console.log(set.size); // 9 console.log(set.has( d )); // true console.log(set.has( k )); // false console.log(set.add( k )); // {"a", "b", "c", "d","e" "f", "g", "h", "i","k"} console.log(set.has( k )); // true console.log(set.delete( d )); // true console.log(set.has( d )); // false console.log(set.keys()); // {"a", "b", "c","e" "f", "g", "h", "i","k"} console.log(set.values()); // {"a", "b", "c","e" "f", "g", "h", "i","k"} console.log(set.entries()); // {"a" => "a","b" => "b", "c" => "c","e" => "e", // "f"=> "f", "g" => "g", "h" =>"h"}, "i" => "i", "k" =>"k"} const set2 =newSet(); set.forEach(item => set2.add(item.toLocaleUpperCase())); set.clear(); console.log(set); // {} console.log(set2); //{"A", "B", "C", "E", "F","G", "H", "I", "K"} console.log(newSet([{ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }, { d: 4, e: 5 }, { d: 4, e: 5 }])); // {{a: 1, b: 2,c: 3}, {d: 4, e: 5}, {d: 4, e: 5}} const item = { f: 6, g: 7 }; console.log(newSet([{ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }, item, item])); // {{a: 1, b: 2,c: 3}, {f: 6, g: 7}}
(2) 映射
const map =newMap(); console.log(map.set(1, first )); // {1 =>"first"} console.log(map.set( a , second )); // {1 =>"first", "a" => "second"} console.log(map.set({ obj: 123 }, [1, 2, 3])); // {1 => "first", "a" =>"second", {obj: "123"} => [1, 2, 3]} console.log(map.set([2, 2, 2], newSet( abc ))); // {1 => "first", "a" => "second",{obj: "123"} => [1, 2, 3], [2, 2, 2] => {"a","b", "c"}} console.log(map.size); // 4 console.log(map.has(1)); // true console.log(map.get(1)); // "first" console.log(map.get( a )); // "second" console.log(map.get({ obj: 123 })); // undefined console.log(map.get([2, 2, 2])); // undefined console.log(map.delete(1)); // true console.log(map.has(1)); // false const arr = [3, 3]; map.set(arr, newSet( xyz )); console.log(map.get(arr)); // {"x", "y", "z"} console.log(map.keys()); // {"a", {obj: "123"}, [2, 2,2], [3, 3]} console.log(map.values()); // {"second", [1, 2, 3], {"a","b", "c"}, {"x", "y", "z"}} console.log(map.entries()); // {"a" => "second", {obj: "123"}=> [1, 2, 3], [2, 2, 2] => {"a", "b", "c"},[3, 3] => {"x", "y", "z"}} const map2 =newMap([[ a , 1], [ b , 2], [ c , 3]]); map2.forEach((value, key, map) => console.log(`value = ${value}, key = ${key}, map = ${map.size}`)); // value = 1, key = a, map = 3 // value = 2, key = b, map = 3 // value = 3, key = c, map = 3 map2.clear(); console.log(map2.entries()); // {}
(1) 等值线
dermatoglyphics (15个字母)
hydropneumatics (15个字母)
misconjugatedly (15个字母)
uncopyrightable (15个字母)
uncopyrightables (16个字母)
subdermatoglyphic (17个字母)
/** * An algorithm to verify whethera given string is an isogram * @param {string} str The string to be verified * @return {boolean} Returns whether it is an isogram */ functionisIsogram(str) { if (!str) { returnfalse; } const set =newSet(str); return set.size=== str.length; }
console.log(isIsogram( )); // false console.log(isIsogram( a )); // true console.log(isIsogram( misconjugatedly )); // true console.log(isIsogram( misconjugatledly )); // false
(2) 全字母短句
Waltz, bad nymph, for quick jigs vex. (28个字母)
Jived fox nymph grabs quick waltz. (28个字母)
Glib jocks quiz nymph to vex dwarf. (28个字母)
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow. (29个字母)
How vexingly quick daft zebras jump! (30个字母)
The five boxing wizards jump quickly. (31个字母)
Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz. (31个字母)
Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs. (32个字母)
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog. (33个字母)
/** * An algorithm to verify whethera given string is a pangram * @param {string} str The string to be verified * @return {boolean} Returns whether it is a pangram */ functionisPangram(str) { const len = str.length; if (len <26) { returnfalse; } const map =newMap(); for (let i =0; i < len; i++) { if (str[i].match(/[a-z]/i)) { // if it is letter a to z, ignoring the case map.set(str[i].toLocaleLowerCase(), true); // use lower case letter as a key } } return map.size===26; }
console.log(isPangram( )); // false console.log(isPangram( Bawds jog, flick quartz, vex nymphs. )); // true console.log(isPangram( The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy sleepingdog. )); // true console.log(isPangram( Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet,and so are you. )); // false
(3) 同构字符串
/** * An algorithm to verify whethertwo given strings are isomorphic * @param {string} s The first string * @param {string} t The second string * @return {boolean} Returns whether these two strings are isomorphic */ functionareIsomorphic(s, t) { // strings with different lengths are notisomorphic if (s.length !== t.length) { returnfalse; } // the conversion array const convert = []; for (let i =0; i < s.length; i++) { // if the conversioncharacter exists if (convert[s[i]]) { // apply the conversion and compare if (t[i] === convert[s[i]]) { // so far so good continue; } returnfalse; // not isomorphic } // set the conversion character for future use convert[s[i]] = t[i]; } // these two strings are isomorphic since there are no violations returntrue; };
onsole.log(areIsomorphic( atlatl , tartar )); // true console.log(areIsomorphic( atlatlp , tartarq )); // true console.log(areIsomorphic( atlatlpb , tartarqc )); // true console.log(areIsomorphic( atlatlpa , tartarqb )); // false
(4) 相同字母异构词
/** * Given a pool to compose ananagram, show all anagrams contained (continuously) in the source * @param {string} source A source string to draw an anagram from * @param {string} pool A pool to compose an anagram * @return {array} Returns an array of anagrams that are contained by the source string */ functionshowAnagrams(source, pool) { // if source is not long enough to hold theanagram if (source.length< pool.length) { return []; } const sourceCounts = []; // an array tohold the letter counts in source const poolCounts = []; // an array tohold the letter counts in pool // initialize counts for 26 letters to be 0 for (let i =0; i <26; i++) { sourceCounts[i] =0; poolCounts[i] =0; } // convert both strings to lower cases poolpool = pool.toLocaleLowerCase(); const lowerSource = source.toLocaleLowerCase(); for (let i =0; i < pool.length; i++) { // calculatepoolCounts for each letter in pool, mapping a - z to 0 - 25 poolCounts[pool[i].charCodeAt() -97]++; } const result = []; for (let i =0; i < lowerSource.length; i++) { // calculatesourceCounts for each letter for source, mapping a - z to 0 - 25 sourceCounts[lowerSource[i].charCodeAt() -97]++; if (i >= pool.length-1) { // if source islong enough // if sourceCountsis the same as poolCounts if (JSON.stringify(sourceCounts) ===JSON.stringify(poolCounts)) { // save the found anagram, using the original source to make stringcase-preserved result.push(source.slice(i - pool.length+1, i +1)); } // shift thestarting window by 1 index (drop the current first letter) sourceCounts[lowerSource[i - pool.length+1].charCodeAt() -97]--; } } // removeduplicates by a Set return [...newSet(result)]; }
console.log(showAnagrams( AaaAAaaAAaa , aa )); // ["Aa", "aa", "aA", "AA"] console.log(showAnagrams( CbatobaTbacBoat , Boat )); //["bato", "atob", "toba", "obaT","Boat"] console.log(showAnagrams( AyaKkayakkAabkk , Kayak )); // ["AyaKk", "yaKka", "aKkay", "Kkaya","kayak", "ayakk", "yakkA"]
(5) 回文
回文是从前往后读和从后往前读读法相同的单词或句子。有很多回文,比如A,Bob,还有 “A man, a plan, a canal — Panama”。检查回文的算法分为两种。使用循环或使用递归从两端检查是否相同。下列代码使用递归方法:
/** * An algorithm to verify whethera given string is a palindrome * @param {string} str The string to be verified * @return {boolean} Returns whether it is a palindrome */ functionisPalindrome(str) { functioncheckIsPalindrome(s) { // empty stringor one letter is a defecto palindrome if (s.length<2) { returntrue; } if ( // if two ends notequal, ignoring the case s[0].localeCompare(s[s.length-1], undefined, { sensitivity: base , }) !== 0 ) { returnfalse; } // since two ends equal, checking the inside returncheckIsPalindrome(s.slice(1, -1)); } // check whether it is a palindrome, removing noneletters and digits returncheckIsPalindrome(str.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/g, )); }
console.log(isPalindrome( )); // true console.log(isPalindrome( a )); // true console.log(isPalindrome( Aa )); // true console.log(isPalindrome( Bob )); // true console.log(isPalindrome( Odd or even )); // false console.log(isPalindrome( Never odd or even )); // true console.log(isPalindrome( 02/02/2020 )); // true console.log(isPalindrome( 2/20/2020 )); // false console.log(isPalindrome( A man, a plan, a canal – Panama )); // true
/** * An algorithm to find thelongest palindrome in a given string * @param {string} source The source to find the longest palindrome from * @return {string} Returns the longest palindrome */ functionfindLongestPalindrome(source) { // convert to lower cases and only keep lettersand digits constlettersAndDigits = source.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/g, ); const str = lettersAndDigits.toLocaleLowerCase(); const len = str.length; // empty string or one letter is a defecto palindrome if (len <2) { return str; } // the first letter is the current longest palindrome let maxPalindrome = lettersAndDigits[0]; // assume that the index is the middle of a palindrome for (let i =0; i < len; i++) { // try the case that the palindrome has one middle for ( let j =1; // start with onestep away (inclusive) j < len &&// end with the len end (exclusive) i - j >= 0&&// cannot pass the start index (inclusive) i + j < len &&// cannot exceed end index (exclusive) Math.min(2 * i +1, 2 * (len - i) -1) > maxPalindrome.length; // potential max length should be longer than thecurrent length j++ ) { if (str[i - j] !== str[i + j]) { // if j stepsbefore the middle is different from j steps after the middle break; } if (2 * j +1> maxPalindrome.length) { // if it is longerthan the current length maxPalindrome = lettersAndDigits.slice(i - j, i + j +1); // j steps before, middle, and j steps after } } // try the case that the palindrome has two middles if (i < len -1&& str[i] === str[i +1]) { // if two middles are the same if (maxPalindrome.length<2) { // the string withtwo middles could be the current longest palindrome maxPalindrome = lettersAndDigits.slice(i, i +2); } for ( let j =1; // start with one step away (inclusive) j < len -1&&// end with the len - 1 end (exclusive) i - j >= 0&&// cannot pass the start index (inclusive) i + j +1< len &&// cannot exceed end index (exclusive) Math.min(2 * i +2, 2 * (len - i)) > maxPalindrome.length; // potential max length should be longer than thecurrent length j++ ) { if (str[i - j] !== str[i + j +1]) { // if j stepsbefore the left middle is different from j steps after the right middle break; } if (2 * j +2> maxPalindrome.length) { // if it is longer than the current length maxPalindrome = lettersAndDigits.slice(i - j, i + j +2); // j steps before, middles, and j steps after } } } } return maxPalindrome; }
console.log(findLongestPalindrome( )); // "" console.log(findLongestPalindrome( abc )); // "a" console.log(findLongestPalindrome( Aabcd )); // "Aa" console.log(findLongestPalindrome( I am Bob. )); // "Bob" console.log(findLongestPalindrome( Odd or even )); // "Oddo" console.log(findLongestPalindrome( Never odd or even )); // "Neveroddoreven" console.log(findLongestPalindrome( Today is 02/02/2020. )); // "02022020" console.log(findLongestPalindrome( It is 2/20/2020. )); // "20202" console.log(findLongestPalindrome( A man, a plan, a canal – Panama )); // "AmanaplanacanalPanama"