linux 中怎么判断输入的数字是否为合理的浮点数,相信很多没有经验的人对此束手无策,为此本文总结了问题出现的原因和解决方法,通过这篇文章希望你能解决这个问题。
#!/bin/sh # validfloat -- Tests whether a number is a valid floating-point value. # Note that this script cannot accept scientific (1.304e5) notation. # To test whether an entered value is a valid floating-point number, we # need to split the value at the decimal point. We then test the first part # to see if it's a valid integer, then test the second part to see if it's a # valid >=0 integer, so -30.5 is valid, but -30.-8 isn't. . validint # Bourne shell notation to source the validint function validfloat() { fvalue="$1" if [ ! -z $(echo $fvalue | sed 's/[^.]//g') ] ; then decimalPart="$(echo $fvalue | cut -d. -f1)" fractionalPart="$(echo $fvalue | cut -d. -f2)" if [ ! -z $decimalPart ] ; then if ! validint "$decimalPart" "" "" ; then return 1 fi fi if [ "${fractionalPart%${fractionalPart#?}}" = "-" ] ; then echo "Invalid floating-point number: '-' not allowed \ after decimal point" >&2 return 1 fi if [ "$fractionalPart" != "" ] ; then if ! validint "$fractionalPart" "0" "" ; then return 1 fi fi if [ "$decimalPart" = "-" -o -z "$decimalPart" ] ; then if [ -z $fractionalPart ] ; then echo "Invalid floating-point format." >&2 ; return 1 fi fi else if [ "$fvalue" = "-" ] ; then echo "Invalid floating-point format." >&2 ; return 1 fi if ! validint "$fvalue" "" "" ; then return 1 fi fi return 0 }
1): if [ ! -z $(echo $fvalue | sed 's/[^.]//g') ] 将输入,以.分成整数和小数部分。
2):if [ "${fractionalPart%${fractionalPart#?}}" = "-" ] 判断小数点后面如果接‘-'号,这输出字符不合法
4)由于 valiint函数没给出,脚本不能完全执行,valiint函数是判断字符串是否全为数字.
看完上述内容,你们掌握linux 中怎么判断输入的数字是否为合理的浮点数的方法了吗?如果还想学到更多技能或想了解更多相关内容,欢迎关注创新互联行业资讯频道,感谢各位的阅读!