SimpleXML 扩展提供了一个非常简单和易于使用的工具集,能将 XML 转换成一个带有一般属性选择器和数组迭代器的对象。
此扩展需要 libxml PHP 扩展。这表示需要使用 --enable-libxml,尽管这将隐式完成因为 libxml 是缺省开启的。
此扩展默认为启用,编译时可通过下列选项禁用: --disable-simplexml
Example #1 Include file example.php with XML string
XML; ?> PHP: Behind the Parser Ms. Coder Onlivia Actora Mr. Coder El ActÓr So, this language. It's like, a programming language. Or is it a scripting language? All is revealed in this thrilling horror spoof of a documentary. PHP solves all my web problems 7 5
The simplicity of SimpleXML appears most clearly when one extracts a string or number from a basic XML document.
Example #2 Getting
So, this language. It's like, a programming language. Or is it a scripting language? All is revealed in this thrilling horror spoof of a documentary.
Accessing elements within an XML document that contain characters not permitted under PHP's naming convention (e.g. the hyphen) can be accomplished by encapsulating the element name within braces and the apostrophe.
Example #3 Getting
PHP solves all my web problems
Example #4 Accessing non-unique elements in SimpleXML
When multiple instances of an element exist as children of a single parent element, normal iteration techniques apply.
node, we echo a separate. */foreach ($movies->movie->characters->character as $character) { echo $character->name, ' played by ', $character->actor, PHP_EOL;} ?>
Ms. Coder played by Onlivia Actora Mr. Coder played by El ActÓr
Properties ($movies->movie in previous example) are not arrays. They are iterable and accessible objects.
Example #5 Using attributes
So far, we have only covered the work of reading element names and their values. SimpleXML can also access element attributes. Access attributes of an element just as you would elements of an array.
nodes of the first movie.* Output the rating scale, too. */ foreach ($movies->movie[0]->rating as $rating) { switch((string) $rating['type']) { // Get attributes as element indicescase 'thumbs':echo $rating, ' thumbs up'; break;case 'stars':echo $rating, ' stars';break;}} ?>
7 thumbs up5 stars
Example #6 Comparing Elements and Attributes with Text
To compare an element or attribute with a string or pass it into a function that requires a string, you must cast it to a string using (string). Otherwise, PHP treats the element as an object.
movie->title == 'PHP: Behind the Parser') {print 'My favorite movie.';} echo htmlentities((string) $movies->movie->title);?>
My favorite movie.PHP: Behind the Parser
Example #7 Comparing Two Elements
Two SimpleXMLElements are considered different even if they point to the same element since PHP 5.2.0.
Example #8 Using XPath
SimpleXML includes built-in support. To find all
xpath('//character') as $character) { echo $character->name, 'played by ', $character->actor, PHP_EOL;}?>
'//' serves as a wildcard. To specify absolute paths, omit one of the slashes.
Ms. Coder played by Onlivia Actora Mr. Coder played by El ActÓr
Example #9 Setting values
Data in SimpleXML doesn't have to be constant. The object allows for manipulation of all of its elements.
movie[0]->characters->character[0]->name = 'Miss Coder'; echo $movies->asXML();?>
PHP: Behind the Parser Miss Coder Onlivia Actora Mr. Coder El ActÓr So, this language. It's like, a programming language. Or is it a scripting language? All is revealed in this thrilling horror spoof of a documentary. PHP solves all my web problems 7 5
Example #10 Adding elements and attributes
Since PHP 5.1.3, SimpleXML has had the ability to easily add children and attributes.
movie[0]->characters->addChild('character');$character->addChild('name', 'Mr. Parser'); $character->addChild('actor', 'John Doe'); $rating = $movies->movie[0]->addChild('rating', 'PG');$rating->addAttribute('type', 'mpaa'); echo $movies->asXML();?>
PHP: Behind the Parser Ms. Coder Onlivia Actora Mr. Coder El ActÓr Mr. Parser John Doe So, this language. It's like, a programming language. Or is it a scripting language? All is revealed in this thrilling horror spoof of a documentary. PHP solves all my web problems 7 5 PG
Example #11 DOM Interoperability
PHP has a mechanism to convert XML nodes between SimpleXML and DOM formats. This example shows how one might change a DOM element to SimpleXML.
loadXML('');if (!$dom) {echo 'Error while parsing the document';exit;} $books = simplexml_import_dom($dom); echo $books->book[0]->title;?> blah
Example #1 Loading broken XML string
"); if ($sxe === false) { echo "Failed loading XML\n"; foreach(libxml_get_errors() as $error) { echo "\t", $error->message; } } ?>
Failed loading XML Blank needed here parsing XML declaration: '?>' expected Opening and ending tag mismatch: xml line 1 and broken Premature end of data in tag broken line 1
simplexml_import_dom — Get a SimpleXMLElement object from a DOM node.
simplexml_load_file — Interprets an XML file into an object
simplexml_load_string — Interprets a string of XML into an object
SimpleXMLElement::addAttribute — Adds an attribute to the SimpleXML element
SimpleXMLElement::addChild — Adds a child element to the XML node
SimpleXMLElement::asXML — Return a well-formed XML string based on SimpleXML element
SimpleXMLElement::attributes — Identifies an element's attributes
SimpleXMLElement::children — Finds children of given node
SimpleXMLElement::__construct — Creates a new SimpleXMLElement object
SimpleXMLElement::count — Counts the children of an element
SimpleXMLElement::getDocNamespaces — Returns namespaces declared in document
SimpleXMLElement::getName — Gets the name of the XML element
SimpleXMLElement::getNamespaces — Returns namespaces used in document
SimpleXMLElement::registerXPathNamespace — Creates a prefix/ns context for the next XPath query
SimpleXMLElement::saveXML — 别名 SimpleXMLElement::asXML
SimpleXMLElement::__toString — Returns the string content
SimpleXMLElement::xpath — Runs XPath query on XML data
SimpleXMLIterator::current — Returns the current element
SimpleXMLIterator::getChildren — Returns the sub-elements of the current element
SimpleXMLIterator::hasChildren — Checks whether the current element has sub elements.
SimpleXMLIterator::key — Return current key
SimpleXMLIterator::next — Move to next element
SimpleXMLIterator::rewind — Rewind to the first element
SimpleXMLIterator::valid — Check whether the current element is valid