脚本获取: https://github.com/raysuen/AdapterMonitor
#!/usr/bin/env python # _*_coding:utf-8_*_ # Auth by raysuen import sys,time import re AdapterInfoDict={ "InterFace":"all", "Interval":1, "NumberOfDis":None, "Action":"all", "ShowSize":"b" } def GetAdapterInfo(): faces=[] # f=open(r"C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\dev","rb") f = open(r"/proc/net/dev", "rb") for line in f: #循环获取文件信息 if line.decode(encoding="utf8").find(":") != -1: #判断是否为网卡列 if AdapterInfoDict["InterFace"] == "all": #判断获取网卡的名称,all为全部网卡 if AdapterInfoDict["ShowSize"] == "b": #判断显示的大小,默认为bytes #生成一维数组记录,网卡信息:网卡名称,进流量,出流量 face=[line.decode(encoding="utf8").split(":")[0].strip(),int(line.decode(encoding="utf8").split()[1]),int(line.decode(encoding="utf8").split()[9])] elif AdapterInfoDict["ShowSize"] == "k": face=[line.decode(encoding="utf8").split(":")[0].strip(),round(int(line.decode(encoding="utf8").split()[1])/1024),round(int(line.decode(encoding="utf8").split()[9])/1024)] elif AdapterInfoDict["ShowSize"] == "m": face=[line.decode(encoding="utf8").split(":")[0].strip(),round(int(line.decode(encoding="utf8").split()[1])/1024/1024),round(int(line.decode(encoding="utf8").split()[9])/1024/1024)] else: print("The value of -s is invalid,you can use -h to get help.") exit(69) faces.append(face) #把每个网卡信息的一维数组存入二维数组 else: for facename in AdapterInfoDict["InterFace"].split(","): #判断网卡名称,可以为多个网卡,多个网卡用逗号分隔 if line.decode(encoding="utf8").split(":")[0].strip() == facename: if AdapterInfoDict["ShowSize"] == "b": face = [line.decode(encoding="utf8").split(":")[0].strip(), int(line.decode(encoding="utf8").split()[1]), int(line.decode(encoding="utf8").split()[9])] elif AdapterInfoDict["ShowSize"] == "k": face = [line.decode(encoding="utf8").split(":")[0].strip(), round(int(line.decode(encoding="utf8").split()[1]) / 1024), round(int(line.decode(encoding="utf8").split()[9]) / 1024)] elif AdapterInfoDict["ShowSize"] == "m": face = [line.decode(encoding="utf8").split(":")[0].strip(), round(int(line.decode(encoding="utf8").split()[1]) / 1024 / 1024), round(int(line.decode(encoding="utf8").split()[9]) / 1024 / 1024)] else: print("The value of -s is invalid,you can use -h to get help.") exit(69) faces.append(face) return faces def help_func(): print(""" NAME: AdapterMonitor --Display net interface netflow SYNOPSIS: AdapterMoniter [-f] [interface names] [-i] [interval time] [-n] [display number] [-a] [action] [-s] [show size] DESCRIPTION: -f specify interface names.values is interface names or all,default all. You can specify a name,also some names. If the names is more one,you can use comma as separator. Example: AdapterMoniter.py -f eth0 AdapterMoniter.py -f eth0,eth2 -i specify a interval time to display,defaul 1 second. Unit: second -n to display how many times you want.Default: None,means unlimited number. Example: AdapterMoniter.py -n 2 -a to display what action you want,IN/OUT/ALL.Defaul: all. Example: AdapterMoniter.py -a in -s to display the netflow size.Default: b(bytes) values: b(bytes)/k(KB)/m(MB) Example: AdapterMoniter.py -s k EXAMPLE: AdapterMoniter.py -f eth0 -i 2 -n 10 -a in -s k """) if __name__ == "__main__": num=1 #计数器,记录当前参数下标 exitnum=0 #退出时的退出数 #获取参数 if len(sys.argv) > 1: #判断是否有参数输入 while num < len(sys.argv): if sys.argv[num] == "-h": help_func() #执行帮助函数 exitnum = 0 exit(exitnum) elif sys.argv[num] == "-f": num += 1 #下标向右移动一位 if num >= len(sys.argv): #判断是否存在当前下标的参数 exitnum = 99 print("The parameter must be specified a value,-f.") exit(exitnum) elif re.match("^-",sys.argv[num]) == None: #判断当前参数是否为-开头,None为非-开头 AdapterInfoDict["InterFace"]=sys.argv[num] num += 1 else: print("Please specify a valid value for -f.") exitnum = 98 exit(exitnum) elif sys.argv[num] == "-i": num += 1 if num >= len(sys.argv): exitnum = 97 print("The parameter must be specified a value,-i.") exit(exitnum) elif re.match("^-",sys.argv[num]) == None: if sys.argv[num].isdigit() == True: #判断是否为正整数 AdapterInfoDict["Interval"]=sys.argv[num] num += 1 else: print("The value of -i must be digit.") exitnum = 96 exit(exitnum) else: print("Please specify a valid value for -i.") exitnum = 95 exit(exitnum) elif sys.argv[num] == "-n": num += 1 if num >= len(sys.argv): exitnum = 94 print("The parameter must be specified a value,-n.") exit(exitnum) elif re.match("^-",sys.argv[num]) == None: if sys.argv[num].isdigit() == True: AdapterInfoDict["NumberOfDis"]=sys.argv[num] num += 1 else: print("The value of -n must be digit.") exitnum = 93 exit(exitnum) else: print("Please specify a valid value for -n.") exitnum = 92 exit(exitnum) elif sys.argv[num] == "-a": num += 1 if num >= len(sys.argv): exitnum = 91 print("The parameter must be specified a value,-a.") exit(exitnum) elif re.match("^-",sys.argv[num]) == None: AdapterInfoDict["Action"]=sys.argv[num] num += 1 else: print("Please specify a valid value for -a.") exitnum = 90 exit(exitnum) elif sys.argv[num] == "-s": num += 1 if num >= len(sys.argv): exitnum = 89 print("The parameter must be specified a value,-s.") exit(exitnum) elif re.match("^-",sys.argv[num]) == None: AdapterInfoDict["ShowSize"]=sys.argv[num] num += 1 else: print("Please specify a valid value for -s.") exitnum = 90 exit(exitnum) #获取开始的网卡信息 facesPre = GetAdapterInfo() if AdapterInfoDict["NumberOfDis"] == None: #判断显示次数,None为无限次 t = 0 #计数器,没10次打印一下行头 while True: time.sleep(int(AdapterInfoDict["Interval"])) #睡眠,根据时间间隔 facesSuf = GetAdapterInfo() #获取比对的结束网卡信息 if AdapterInfoDict["Action"] == "all": #判断动作,是显示进,出或是全部的流量 if t % 10 == 0: print("%s:%s%s" % ("FaceName".rjust(10), "In".rjust(30), "Out".rjust(30))) print("%s"%"-".center(70,"-")) elif AdapterInfoDict["Action"] == "in": if t % 10 == 0: print("%s:%s" % ("FaceName".rjust(10), "In".rjust(30))) print("%s" % "-".center(40,"-")) elif AdapterInfoDict["Action"] == "out": if t % 10 == 0: print("%s:%s" % ("FaceName".rjust(10), "Out".rjust(30))) print("%s" % "-".center(40,"-")) t += 1 for i in range(len(facesPre)): if AdapterInfoDict["Action"] == "all": print("%s:%s%s"%(facesPre[i][0].rjust(10),str(facesSuf[i][1]-facesPre[i][1]).rjust(30),str(facesSuf[i][2]-facesPre[i][2]).rjust(30))) elif AdapterInfoDict["Action"] == "in": print("%s:%s" % (facesPre[i][0].rjust(10), str(facesSuf[i][1] - facesPre[i][1]).rjust(30))) elif AdapterInfoDict["Action"] == "out": print("%s:%s" % (facesPre[i][0].rjust(10), str(facesSuf[i][2] - facesPre[i][2]).rjust(30))) else: print("The value of -a is a invalid action which you entered.") print("You can use -h to get help.") exitnum=89 exit(exitnum) facesPre=facesSuf # time.sleep(int(AdapterInfoDict["Interval"])) else: for t in range(int(AdapterInfoDict["NumberOfDis"])): #安装显示次数循环 time.sleep(int(AdapterInfoDict["Interval"])) facesSuf = GetAdapterInfo() #输出打印行头 if AdapterInfoDict["Action"] == "all": if t % 10 == 0: print("%s:%s%s" % ("FaceName".rjust(10), "In".rjust(30), "Out".rjust(30))) print("%s" % "-".center(70,"-")) elif AdapterInfoDict["Action"] == "in": if t % 10 == 0: print("%s:%s" % ("FaceName".rjust(10), "In".rjust(30))) print("%s" % "-".center(40,"-")) elif AdapterInfoDict["Action"] == "out": if t % 10 == 0: print("%s:%s" % ("FaceName".rjust(10), "Out".rjust(30))) print("%s" % "-".center(40,"-")) for i in range(len(facesPre)): if AdapterInfoDict["Action"] == "all": print("%s:%s%s" % (facesPre[i][0].rjust(10), str(facesSuf[i][1] - facesPre[i][1]).rjust(30), str(facesSuf[i][2] - facesPre[i][2]).rjust(30))) elif AdapterInfoDict["Action"] == "in": print("%s:%s" % (facesPre[i][0].rjust(10), str(facesSuf[i][1] - facesPre[i][1]).rjust(30))) elif AdapterInfoDict["Action"] == "out": print("%s:%s" % (facesPre[i][0].rjust(10), str(facesSuf[i][2] - facesPre[i][2]).rjust(30))) else: print("The value of -a is a invalid action which you entered.") print("You can use -h to get help.") exitnum = 88 exit(exitnum) facesPre = facesSuf # time.sleep(int(AdapterInfoDict["Interval"])) exit(exitnum)