


  • 不能通过annotate的方式来识别子类的新特征,如不能实现@beforeclass,@afterclass等特征。只能通过写setup和teardown,
  • TestCase只能以test开头进行测试case书写。
  • testAddNoteCNTittle:创建一个中文标题的笔记
  • testAddNoteEngTitle:创建一个英文标题的笔记
	@Override 	public void setUp() throws Exception { 		//setUp() is run before a test case is started.  		//This is where the solo object is created. 		super.setUp();  		this.activity = this.getActivity();  		this.solo = new Solo(getInstrumentation(), getActivity()); 	} 	 	@Override 	public void tearDown() throws Exception { 		//tearDown() is run after a test case has finished.  		//finishOpenedActivities() will finish all the activities that have been opened during the test execution. 		solo.finishOpenedActivities(); 	} 
package;  import com.robotium.solo.Solo;  import android.test.ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2; import;  @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public class TCCreateNote extends ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2{  	private static Solo solo = null; 	public Activity activity; 	 	private static final int NUMBER_TOTAL_CASES = 2; 	private static int run = 0; 	 	private static Class launchActivityClass;  	//对应re-sign.jar生成出来的信息框里的两个值 	private static String mainActiviy = ""; 	private static String packageName = "";  	static {  		try {  			launchActivityClass = Class.forName(mainActiviy);  		} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {  			throw new RuntimeException(e);  		}  	} 	 	 	@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") 	public TCCreateNote() { 		super(packageName, launchActivityClass); 	}  	 	@Override 	public void setUp() throws Exception { 		//setUp() is run before a test case is started.  		//This is where the solo object is created. 		super.setUp();  		//The variable solo has to be static, since every time after a case's finished, this class TCCreateNote would be re-instantiated 		// which would lead to soto to re-instantiated to be null if it's not set as static 		if(solo == null) { 			TCCreateNote.solo = new Solo(getInstrumentation(), getActivity()); 		} 	} 	 	@Override 	public void tearDown() throws Exception { 		//Check whether it's the last case executed. 		run += countTestCases(); 		if(run >= NUMBER_TOTAL_CASES) { 			solo.finishOpenedActivities(); 		} 	}  	public void testAddNoteCNTitle() throws Exception { 		 		solo.clickOnMenuItem("Add note"); 		solo.enterText(0, "中文标签笔记"); 		solo.clickOnMenuItem("Save"); 		solo.clickInList(0); 		solo.clearEditText(0); 		solo.enterText(0, "Text 1"); 		solo.clickOnMenuItem("Save"); 		solo.assertCurrentActivity("Expected NotesList Activity", "NotesList"); 		 		solo.clickLongOnText("中文标签笔记"); 		solo.clickOnText("Delete"); 	} 	 	 	public void testAddNoteEngTitle() throws Exception { 		solo.clickOnMenuItem("Add note"); 		solo.enterText(0, "English Title Note"); 		solo.clickOnMenuItem("Save"); 		solo.clickInList(0); 		solo.clearEditText(0); 		solo.enterText(0, "Text 1"); 		solo.clickOnMenuItem("Save"); 		solo.assertCurrentActivity("Expected NotesList Activity", "NotesList"); 		 		solo.clickLongOnText("English Title Note"); 		solo.clickOnText("Delete"); 	} }

